$6400 Health Subsidy Real or Fake? Let’s Discuss

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Hello Friends, today our topic is regarding “Is a $6400 Health Subsidy Real or Fake? It’s fake information, which is circulating on social media platforms. Let’s get into deeper about this hoax news.

How did it start?

On March 13, 2003, a video post declaring that one can receive $6400 in their bank account went viral on META, formerly Facebook. In the video, the person can be seen saying that she called the health hotline and qualified for $6400 in credits.

Now, she can address her financial needs with the $6400 in credits. Additionally, she mentioned the website for others to visit and check their eligibility for this amazing offer.

In America, not everyone is rich enough to buy health insurance. Many took the information provided in the video as an opportunity to meet their financial issues.

Ad on the website

After the video went viral, a few people visited the mentioned website eagerly seeking the health subsidy as soon as possible. They provided registration details such as zip code, income, other insurance holdings, contact number, and address as requested.

However, those who filled out the registration form never received a single amount of the health subsidy. Several similar videos can be found on the internet where individuals claim to have received health subsidies and other financial aid in their bank accounts after registering on the website.

Is a $6400 Health Subidy Real or Fake?

The website makes a false claim that eligible individuals will receive a $6400 Health Subsidy directly in their bank account. In America, medical insurance or Medicaid is never given in cash, rendering this claim deceptive and fraudulent.

Furthermore, the website is not affiliated with any official government website. None of the legitimate government sites have ever mentioned or offered such a form of Medicaid.

It should be noted that government funds are not used for advertising on social media platforms. If they were to promote any health insurance program, the process to obtain it would be entirely different.

Who is eligible for health insurance?

The Affordable Care Act mandates that almost everyone must have health insurance, with a few exceptions. If you have insurance through your employer or qualify for programs like Medicare or Medicaid, you meet the coverage requirements.

Medicaid offers free or low-cost medical benefits to individuals who fall under the following eligibility criteria:

  • Adults with a low income
  • Children
  • Pregnant individuals
  • Individuals aged 65 or older
  • People with disabilities
  • Children of individuals with very high incomes.

To apply for health subsidies, individuals must meet specific requirements and file a tax return with Form 8962, Premium Tax Credit (PTC). The Premium Tax Credit, commonly referred to as PTC, is a refundable credit designed to assist eligible individuals and families in covering the premiums for health insurance they purchase through the Health Insurance Marketplace.

Tips to Remember

We strongly recommend taking the following precautions to protect yourself against scams like the fake $6400 Health Subsidy:

  • Avoid sharing your Income, Government Identity, or Bank details on any Random site.
  • Always verify the Authenticity of the person impersonating a government official or bank employee during a call.
  • Remember that your bank will never ask for your details over the phone; they will communicate important information via email.
  • Verify that official government sites have .gov in their website addresses.
  • If you encounter any doubtful website or receive suspicious calls, promptly report the matter to the concerned authority.
  • When purchasing insurance, always deal with government-registered firms and representatives.

We are dependent on Medicaid for many reasons. And scammers use a “$6400 health subsidy” and other similar ones as bait to snatch away our hard-earned money.

It’s always a good idea to check and get assured first before making any dealing regarding your money. Anything that seems tempting and easy to receive in terms of finance is always a trap. Remember this.


What is a health care subsidy?

It is financial aid for covering medical expenses for people whose income is below certain levels. They can get medical assistance at a lower or no cost at all.

Where can I get $6400 health subsidy?

This alleged fake $6400 health subsidy claims that you need to visit their website and give out your details and if you qualify you’ll receive the amount directly in your bank account.

Has President Biden Announced a new Health Subsidy Program to Grant $5000 cash to cover health care for Americans?

No, this is not true. Biden hasn’t announced a new initiative to give Americans a $5,000 cash award to cover health care.

Are the Ads about $6400 health care Medicaid on Facebook Legit?

No, those ads are not Legit.

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