Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus Real Or Fake ?

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The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus is an issue that has been discussed since the beginning. The existence of this octopus has been debated for a long time. Many believe that it is real and many believe that it is just a joke spread on the internet.

So here, in this article, I will tell you the facts about whether the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus Is Real Or Fake. if you want to know the complete details about Pacific Northwest Octopus then please read this article completely to know the answer to all your questions.

Is The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus Real Or Fake

Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus Is Fake. It is not a real type of octopus. It is an internet prank that was created in 1998 by Lyle Zapato who created the website about the Phoney Octopus.

On the website, there are a lot of pictures of the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus as well as other animals. After examining its picture, it was found that it was just photoshopped.


There is no scientific evidence of the existence of the Pacific Northwest tree octopus. This octopus has not been written about in any books or journals to date and no one has ever actually seen it.

Why Did Lyle Zapato Create The Tree Octopus

Lyle Zapato created a fake Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus to teach people about the importance of false news being spread very quickly through online sources like sites.

He was very concerned about the false news being spread rapidly by people on the Internet. He wanted to tell people that even good and well-known websites can spread false news.

He wanted to say through this that before believing anything, check it. He also created this fake Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus to test peoples’s thinking and understanding.

He was surprised by how many people easily believed the fake images he had created, even though the images shown were actually fake. 

This led them to learn that people often easily believe anything they read or are shown online, without questioning the source. It’s completely spread on social media.

Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus Fun Facts

Here are the most interesting fun facts about the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus:

  • Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus are the only octopus in the world that can live both on land and in water.
  • Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus has eight tentacles each with two rows of suckers.
  • It is said the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus has Three Hearts and The blood of the octopus is blue.
  • Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus can change its body into any shape according to the environment around it.
  • It is said by some people that this octopus is very intelligent and he can also solve puzzles and easily learn tricks.
  • It is a type of Carnivore animal and eats many types of small animals, like crabs, small fish, and water plants.
  • In many articles and videos, It is said by people that the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus is an endangered animal.

Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus Facts

The Pacific Northwest Tree octopus is not a real octopus. It is a Fictional Created. So there are no facts about the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus. But, On the fake websites, the tree octopus includes a detailed description of the animal.

The First fact is the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus is known as a Cephalopod, Which means this octopus is related to squidfish, cuttlefish, and other octopus species.

And the other facts are mentioned above.

Why Is The Tree Octopus Endangered

The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus is endangered for many reasons, each reason is faked because this animal is also fictional. So the reasons which are mentioned on the fake website are listed below.

  • Due To Pollution : The survival of the Pacific Northwest tree octopus is greatly threatened by pollution from sewage runoff from farming and factories. This pollution is contaminating the water in which tree octopuses live.
  • Due to Habitat Loss : The Pacific Northwest tree octopus lives in national forests, which are being logged at a rapid rate. Due to this, it is becoming difficult for the tree octopuses to survive on trees. Because of this, their breed is in danger.
  • Predatory Animals : The Pacific Northwest tree octopus is also threatened by predatory animals. Prey animals include bald eagles, sasquatch, and ravens. The increasing population of these hunting animals is also a big threat to the tree octopus population.


What do tree octopuses eat?

There are no such types of octopus, so it is difficult to say what they eat. But the fake sites say they eat small fishes, crabs, and also plants like algae.

What is the usual skin color of a tree octopus?

It is difficult to say the real color of the Pacific Northwest tree octopus because there is no such type of octopus. If it existed then its color would depend on its environment.

is the tree octopus real?

No, Tree octopuses like the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus are not real octopuses. It is a fictional creature that was created by Lyle Zapato.

What are the predators of the tree octopus in Pacific NW?

The Predators of the Tree octopus in the Pacific Northwest are Bald Eagles, Sasquatches, and ravens.

Pacific Northwest tree octopus real or fake pictures.

All the pictures of the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus are fake. It is a digitally created picture, not a real octopus.

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