House Hippo Real or Fake: The Truth Behind the Viral Video

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Have you ever seen a video of a tiny hippo that lives in your house, eats peanut butter toast. If you have, you might be wondering: is House Hippo Real or Fake? What is the purpose of this video? What is a house hippo?

In this blog post, we will answer these questions and more. We will explore the origin and meaning of the house hippo video, and the connection between house hippos and pit bulls. We will also tells you the myths and misconceptions about house hippos. So let’s start the topic House Hippo Real or Fake?

What is the House Hippo Video?

The “house hippo” video is a short message like a commercial, made to warn kids about something. It shows a pretend animal called a “North American house hippo” that lives in houses and eats leftovers when people are asleep. The video was made in 1999 and shown again in 2019. The video is narrated in the style of a wildlife documentary. It uses realistic visual effects to make the hippo look convincing.

The stated intent of the video is to educate children about critical thinking and media literacy, and remind them that they should not believe everything they see on TV or the internet. The video was aired on Canadian television and also adapted for the UK market by Media Smart in 2002.

What is the Purpose of the House Hippo Video?

The purpose of the house hippo video is to raise awareness and spark discussion about the issue of fake news and misinformation. Fake news and misinformation are false or misleading information that is spread intentionally or unintentionally through various media platforms, such as social media, websites, blogs, podcasts, etc.

The house hippo video is an example of a hoax, which is a type of fake news. It is created as a prank or a joke, without malicious intent. Some hoaxes can be harmful or offensive, and some people may not realize that they are hoaxes and take them seriously.

House hippo Advertisement 1999

Some people who watched the house hippo video when they were young believed that it was real and wanted to have a house hippo as a pet. Some people also used the term “house hippo” to refer to other things, such as pit bulls or thrifted items, without knowing the original context of the video.

The house hippo video is designed to challenge the viewers’ assumptions and expectations. Video make them question the credibility and reliability of the information they see on TV or the internet. The video also encourages the viewers to do their own research and verification, and to develop critical thinking and media literacy skills.

Critical thinking and media literacy are the abilities to analyze, evaluate, and create media messages, and to recognize the purposes, techniques, and influences of media producers. These skills are essential for navigating the complex and diverse media landscape, and for becoming informed and responsible citizens. Let’s learn more about House Hippo Real or Fake.

What is a House Hippo?

A house hippo is a fictitious species of hippopotamus, and the subject of the house hippo video. The house hippo is described as a small, nocturnal, and shy animal that lives in houses and eats raisins, chips, and peanut butter toast. The house hippo builds a cozy bed using lost mittens and fluffy things, but sometimes has to face the scary house cat like a monster.

The house hippo is not based on any real animal, but it is inspired by the pygmy hippopotamus. It is a rare and endangered species of hippo that lives in the forests and swamps of West Africa. The pygmy hippo is much smaller than the common hippo, and has a more slender and less aquatic body. The pygmy hippo is also more solitary and secretive, and prefers to feed on fruits, roots, and leaves. Hope you slightly knows House Hippo Real or Fake.

The house hippo is also similar to the baku, which is a mythical creature from Japanese folklore. The baku is a chimera that has the body of a bear, the trunk of an elephant, the eyes of a rhinoceros, the tail of an ox, and the legs of a tiger. The baku is said to eat dreams and nightmares, and can be summoned by people who have bad dreams to protect them.

Where to Buy a House Hippo?

Unfortunately, you cannot buy a house hippo, because it does not exist. The house hippo is a fictional animal that was created for the purpose of the house hippo video. There is no such thing as a real house hippo. If you are interested in having a pet that is similar to a house hippo, you may consider adopting a guinea pig, a hamster, a hedgehog, or a rabbit.

These are small, furry, and cute animals that can live in cages or enclosures in your house, and can be fed with pellets, hay, fruits, and vegetables. Before you decide to adopt any pet, you should do your research and make sure that you can provide them with proper care, attention, and love.

House Hippo Urban Dictionary

According to the Urban Dictionary, which is a website that defines slang words and phrases. The term “house hippo” has several meanings, depending on the context and usage. Some of the definitions are:

  • A pit bull that is lazy, snuggly, and hippo-resembling. Also known velvet hippo.
  • Thrifted item that is rare, valuable, and desirable. called as a thrift score or a thrift find.
  • Person who is overweight, lazy, and messy. Also called couch potato or slob.
  • Person who is cute, chubby, and cuddly. known as teddy bear or a snuggle bug.

These definitions are not official or authoritative, and they may vary from person to person. They are also not related to the original meaning of the house hippo video, and they may be offensive or inappropriate to some people.

Therefore, you should be careful and respectful when using the term “house hippo” in your conversations, and avoid using it in formal or professional settings.

House Hippo Pitbull

A house hippo pitbull is a nickname for a pit bull that is lazy, snuggly, and hippo-resembling. Pit bulls are a type of dog that belong to the terrier group, and have a muscular and stocky body, a short and smooth coat, and a wide and flat head.

Pit bulls are often misunderstood and stereotyped as aggressive, dangerous, and violent, because of their history of being used for fighting and baiting. Pit bulls are actually loyal, affectionate, and intelligent dogs that can make great family pets, if they are raised and trained properly. Going forward to the question House Hippo Real or Fake?

House Hippo Dog Breed

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A house hippo dog breed is a term that some people use to describe a dog that looks like a house hippo, or a dog that is related to the house hippo video. There is no such thing as a house hippo dog breed, because the house hippo is not a real animal. There is no genetic connection between the house hippo and any dog breed.

The house hippo video used a combination of computer-generated imagery (CGI) and animatronics to create the illusion of a house hippo. No real animals were involved in the production of the house hippo video.

Is a House Hippo Good Luck?

Some people believe that a house hippo is a symbol of good luck, and that having a house hippo in your house can bring you fortune, happiness, and protection. There is no scientific or historical evidence to support this belief, and it is based on superstition and folklore. We hope you slightly understood the context House Hippo Real or Fake?

The house hippo is a fictional animal that was created for the purpose of the house hippo video, and there is no such thing as a real house hippo. Therefore, a house hippo cannot affect your luck or fate in any way.

If you like the idea of a house hippo, you can still enjoy it as a form of entertainment, art, or imagination. You can watch the house hippo video, read books or stories about house hippos, create or buy house hippo products.

Even pretend that you have a house hippo as a pet. These activities can be fun and relaxing, and can also stimulate your creativity and curiosity. You should always remember that the house hippo is not real, and that you should not rely on it for your luck or happiness. We hope you slightly understood the context House Hippo Real or Fake?

Is a House Hippo Real or Fake

In conclusion, the house hippo is a fake animal that was created for the purpose of the house hippo video. It has aims to educate children about critical thinking and media literacy. The video is an example of a hoax, which is a type of fake news that is created as a prank or a joke, without malicious intent.

The house hippo video is also a source of inspiration and fascination for many people, who have created and consumed various forms of media and products that are related to the house hippo. The has also become a nickname for some dog breeds that resemble the house hippo, or a symbol of good luck for some people who believe in the house hippo.

These are not related to the original meaning of the video, and they may be inaccurate or inappropriate. Therefore, you should be respectful and responsible when using the term “house hippo” in your conversations, and avoid using it in formal or professional settings.

The house hippo is a fake animal, but it is also a real phenomenon that reflects the power and influence of media and culture. The video is a reminder that we should not believe everything we see on TV or the internet, but also that we can use our imagination and creativity to explore and enjoy the world of media and fiction.

The house hippo is not real, but it is also not irrelevant. The house hippo is a fake animal, but it is also a real lesson. We hope you understood the topic House Hippo Real or Fake.


What is a house hippo?

A house hippo is a fictional animal that was created for a Canadian PSA that aimed to teach children about critical thinking and media literacy. The house hippo video showed a small hippo that lived in houses and ate peanut butter toast, but it was not real.

Where can I watch the house hippo video?

You can watch the house hippo video on YouTube. There are two versions of the video: the original one from 1999, and the updated one from 2019. The original one shows the house hippo as a wildlife documentary, and the updated one shows the house hippo in different media contexts. 

Why did they make the house hippo video?

They made the house hippo video to raise awareness and spark discussion about the issue of fake news and misinformation, especially among young audiences.

Are there any real animals that are similar to the house hippo?

There are no real animals that are exactly like the house hippo, but there are some animals that may resemble the house hippo in some aspects, such as the pygmy hippopotamus, the baku, or some dog breeds. 

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